Monday, March 29, 2010
famously across your black metal landscape
a penny here,
two cents there
wherever the coin of the realm will salve the greatest ache
hands slotted deep into pockets I walk
head bowed
there's a pancake house full of caffiene animals
on every sculptured corner of the highway.
The ditches have filled themselves with shiny and mysterious
They poke and prod me as I slip past
a car built from lost twisted parts
flotsam and jetsam of the interstate
making the infinite payment
from an endlessly empty account
yes, here's the life you've demanded so shamelessly
fifty cents worth of summer
shining hot, round and hard from an empty sky above.
burn me red,
I swear I will see you in hell. In fact, I'm headed there now
leaning back to spit in your burning face
this one last time; listen for the sizzle
as I laugh your golden madness down.
originally published, in a slightly different form, in Peckerwood: Wild Mountain Thyme
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Rose Is Rose", the Demented Comic Strip
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Star Garage
My friend Jim is quiet, unpredictable. Dangerously he rises from the table, smiling as if he alone knows of a wax museum concealing the corpse of Jesus. I see him kissing the bare back of a girl he has never met. Kissing in a soft, widening spiral. Behind each kiss a gin blossom surfaces like a red spider through honey.
On the dance floor I join another friend. This is in the days before AIDS, the days before homosexuality itself. Like old science experiments Mark and I are quietly asked to leave.
Outside invisible clouds offer prayers of snow. Jim first will not and then cannot remove his head from the window of the gin blossom girl's automobile.
At home we dance in the living room, clad in our underwear, strumming tennis rackets. We have no curtains. To us the windows are mirrors but in the night outside cars circle the house. To them we are like carnivorous fish in a tank. To them we are everything.
We, the collective we, slide up and down the skeleton of our home. It is not our home at all.
*Originally published in a slightly different form in TRAMP #10, Spring 1991* Based loosely on events that occurred in Missoula, MT circa February, 1979. Ask Jim - he remembers it.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March 7th, 2010
My right leg has been making rumblings; there have been incidents of nonconformance, assertions of individuality bordering on the brazen. This has gone on for some time. It seems to want to do its work under cover of darkness -- during the daytime it plays along, more or less, with what the rest of the body might be doing. I’m sure the frustration is building in it all day. It wants to be on its own. It has plans. The head, the torso, the other limbs, they are all holding it back. There is seething anger in there, a wall of defiance building brick by brick.
Politely describing it as “restless” I have begun taking medication to soothe the leg’s urges. Has this worked? Well yes and no. The medication can induce the desired effect, but the dosage seems to require regular increases in order to remain effective. And each night before I take the medicine, or if I forget to take it on time, the right leg seizes the chance and moves into open revolt. It kicks and jerks, veers off in God only knows what direction and for God only knows what purpose. It refuses the efforts of the brain and other elements of the nervous system, when they try to give it instruction. It does what it wants, until the meds kick in and it is slowly, reluctantly subdued, in the manner of a charging elephant now riddled with darts tipped in powerful tranquilizer.
I can’t help but think that someday, when my guard is down or other circumstance facilitates it, the right leg will succeed in breaking away. It will free itself of the jail of bones and sinew that binds it to its core. Off it will lurch, jerking and jarring itself like some anger powered pogo stick with a faulty guidance system, careening in all directions at once, and giddy with the freedom of it. But somehow going round and round, in ever tightening circles. Heel prints dimpling the earth at irregular intervals, signifying nothing, understanding nothing.
Somehow this will be the sign of progress. It’s something that we recognize when we see it; it is the definitive definition.