Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Abysmal Adventures of Porno Rabbit and Cracky the Corpse - Lesson Number Two

Ayzook scratched the side of his nose with his wristwatch band, pawing crudely at his face.  Everything everywhere smelled like dirt.  This business of spending all of your time in a dark, dank basement was well beyond the point of getting old.  In fact it was getting ancient.

But so was Ayzook the Druid, the Most Highest Master Butte Druid, Number Three in a Series (he added that last part himself, as a joke of sorts).

He felt ancient, in any case.  In terms of druid lifespans, he wasn't really that old - barely two hundred and twenty-five years in fact.  He knew some druids that were over 1000.  Like that big mouthed pain in the ass Hernie.  Ayzook sure didn't want to end up like that asshole, but maybe that's what a thousand years of this bullshit will do for you.

Ayzook was without a doubt the shabbiest druid in the Northwestern Quadrant.  He was barely four feet tall but probably weighed somewhere around 250 pounds.  He didn't weigh himself.  It was depressing.  His clothes didn't look like the usual druid wardrobe of flowing robes, cool pointy hats and magical looking scepters.  He was currently dressed in a plaid shirt with long sleeves that had to be rolled way up, because in order to get a size that would fit his body he had to choose a shirt so big the sleeves were twice as long as his stubby arms.  He wore a kilt instead of pants - this was for comfort basically but it kind of pissed him off since he was a Celtic pagan of Irish origin, not some candy-assed Scotsman.  

Nowadays a kilt was considered stylish for the Gaelic crowd so technically it was the sort of thing he should be wearing - but the notion just grated on him.  And it was wool, and it made his balls itch.  As Ralph the Angel sometimes said, "don't get you started on that god damned kilt, Ayzookie boy!".

The plaid shirt was straight out of the Good Will and there was nothing very ceremonial or majestic or dramatic about that.  And it clashed with the kilt.  And who would wear a kilt with wingtips?  The whole deal was a mess.  Ayzook knew the old time Gaelic druids were a lot more style-conscious than he was.  But he had to make do, and he had bigger problems to deal with anyway.  Especially now.

Somehow Ayzook the Most Highest and Shoddy Druid of Butte of Montana had managed to lose his official inscribed ditty-bag containing almost fifteen thousand dollars.  And he was going to have a hell of a time finding out who had it, he was pretty sure of that.

Who had it, as opposed to who took it.  He knew who had made off with it.  It was that stupid mud encrusted mutt that was always wallowing in the filth down by the edge of the Pit.  This whole incident was just more proof that no random act of kindness goes unpunished.

Damn it.  He was just such a lousy druid

While he was lurking in the alley behind St. Lawrence, waiting for it to get dark or at least a little bit cloudy, the stupid dog had come ambling along.  The thing looked like hell, just like always.  He looked half starved.  Ayzook usually paid no attention to things like this, but for some reason he felt sorry for the animal, so he decided to see if he had anything in his pockets that he could offer the beast as sustenance.

He carefully laid his bag down by his feet and started going through his shirt pockets and the pouch on his kilt.  While he was doing this, that four legged chunk of skunk cabbage simply picked up the bag in his mouth and trotted off.  He didn't even really run.  It didn't matter, since Ayzook was not physically capable of chasing the animal with any hope of successfully catching it.  His stubby legs were not built for this sort of thing (nobody seemed to know what it was that they were actually built for).  So when he looked up and saw the dog was already thirty yards away and picking up speed, he just dropped his head and cursed to himself.

If he were a decent druid he no doubt could have come up with some appropriate glyph to maybe freeze the dog or something.  But he could never remember those things - whenever he needed to use one he invariably had to look it up.  The only ones he could ever remember off the top of his head were the one for entangling roots and the glyph of berserk.  The practical usage for either of these was not that extensive.  He thought later he could have conjured the berserk spell but probably he would have just driven himself into an insane frenzy that would not have gotten him any closer to the rapidly disappearing dog.  He probably would have just fallen and hit his head.  If he had directed it at the dog, it would have just made him run faster.

Ironically, he thought now, if I could manage to remember the glyph of nourishment I could have just whipped up some Milkbones or something without having to put down the pouch.

But what was done was done; the stinky old quadruped was gone and so was the poker machine money and that was that.  The annual druid union dues were required in less than a week and if they found out he was so destitute that he was desperately bringing in money using a gambling device which he had finagled out of a local casino owner, they would probably just shut him down and send him to some place even more dismal than Butte - if there was such a place.  Maybe somewhere in Kentucky.  

Or maybe they would just pull the plug on him completely - put Ayzook in cold storage for a hundred years or something.  He hated feeling like he was in the way.  But he knew that was how the Council thought of him.

About this time Ayzook's self-pitying reverie in the dirt-walled catacombs of the St. Lawrence O'Toole Church was interrupted by a loud clattering on the stairs leading down from the basement of the church.

"Ay!  Ay, Zookie!" called out a hoarse female voice.  As if it wasn't already bad enough, Ayzook thought.  "Where are ya, Zookchops?  I'm back and I brought you a Zip burger!"  He heard her stumble on the last step.  Was she drunk already?  It wasn't even three o'clock.

"In here," he said in an appropriately small voice from the small dirt chamber that he was standing in.  There were only four rooms and all were pretty much the same. Even though Ayzook called this area "the Catacombs", there was no one buried here, unless you counted a pet turtle that Ayzook had grown fond of, and then tragically lost, in the early 1970s.

He had his back to the doorway but he heard Ralphie step into the room.  Without looking, he knew what a sad sight was being presented.

Ralphie was an angel, but she was an angel who had gone to seed in a big way.  Her life was rough - not rough as in difficult; rough as in low-down, base, disreputable.  She was fallen, but there was nothing dramatic here like the casting out of Satan from Heaven.  Ralphie had never served at the right hand of God Almighty.  She had never even actually seen Him except one time from a very great distance - it was like somebody in the back line of cars that never actually got in at Woodstock.

Mostly Ralphie fell from grace because she just wasn't interested in maintaining the minimum efforts necessary to be allowed to stick around.

So now she was earthbound, and somehow Ayzook had ended up with her hanging around all the time.  She was tall, blonde, and was once a great beauty - but she was so hard on herself she had pretty much just gone to pot.  All the drinking and smoking and catting around had left her miserable ass dragging pretty low.  

She was in many ways a nice match for Ayzook.  The shabby druid and the sleazy angel, living in a dark dirt hole underneath the basement of a boarded up church.  All they needed now, Ayzook figured, was a half-dead dog covered with industrial waste and with most of his fur rotting off his body.  Ayzook was sure that somebody had already taken the bag of cash off the smelly old dog.  He was trying to think of who would even go close enough to the thing to hit this particular jackpot.  In order to get close to that rancid mutt, you would practically have to be dead yourself.

Now that's an interesting notion, Ayzook thought as he rubbed his stubbly chin.  There were a few dead people wandering around Butte - Ayzook had encountered some, or maybe mostly just sensed their presence.  Maybe some of them were pals with the stupid dog.  Hell, maybe the dog was dead himself.

Ralph was a pretty poor excuse for an angel.  She had taken an abrupt seat in the dirt behind him, produced a bottle of Old Grand Dad from somewhere in her robes, and was now taking a swig out of it to wash down the hamburger which she had just gotten done telling Ayzook was a gift she had brought him.

But being an angel, even a run down and rejected one, she could "commune with the dead."  Maybe she could be of some use to him after all.

"Hey Ralphie," Ayzook said, trying his level best to sound friendly as he turned to face her.  "Would you mind joining me in the Divining Chamber and taking a look into the Well of Souls for me?"  He even effected a smile of sorts - prompting a very unladylike belch from the angel.

"What, you mean that dirt room over next to the other dirt room that is next to this one?", Ralph said as she managed to precariously regain her footing and stand up again - she was nearly seven feet tall and the image of her standing next to Ayzook was enough to make anybody want to take a pull from the nearest whiskey bottle.  "The one with the old barrel of weed poison in it?"

Ayzook swallowed hard and choked back the rebuke that was fighting to escape his lips.  He replaced it with another sickly smile, and nodded his head agreeably.

"Sure, I guess" said Ralphie the Seven Foot Tall Drunken Fallen Angel of Butte of Montana.  "I got nothing better to do than stare into some barrel full of poison water and druid piss."  

She turned and started down the dirt hallway with Ayzook scampering clumsily behind.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Abysmal Adventures of Porno Rabbit and Cracky the Corpse - Lesson One

Hard times fell in Butte like a turd from a tall cow's ass.  It was hit the street or go under six feet; those were the choices for the intrepid pair.  Cracky was OK with it either way but he got outvoted, one to one.  Consequently they were living in a Plymouth Volare' which Porno had won from Whiskey Moe by betting on a dog fight - basically Porno bet Whiskey that they could stand on a corner in downtown Butte for three hours and no dogs would show up and ask them to fight.  Although Butte was as rough-and-tumble as any town you could name, it was a pretty safe bet that you wouldn't get called out by some passing pooch at the corner of Main and West Iron.  Whiskey was pants-pissing ditch-digger dumb when he was drunk.  He was asphyxiated copper miner dumb.  He was glue-sniffing plow horse dumb.  He was burnt cord wood dumb.  He was stump-broke milk cow dumb.  He was blind and deaf box elder bug dumb when he was drunk.  But only when he was drunk.  He was always drunk.

Summer was a bad time to share a residence inside of a 1977 Plymouth automobile with a living corpse.  Porno would huff and blow and try to put himself into a cosmic nose plug trance but still Cracky was there, all mangy and ripe with a toothless grin and chunks falling off onto the floorboards.  A normal corpse will only rot for a certain amount of time.  But a living corpse is a regenerating dead thing and new dead flesh replaces the old dead flesh that dries up and blows away.  It's confusing if you are a scientist but if you are a pornography-peddling buck cottontail with a grudge against society and a bad limp from an impromptu beating administered by a disgruntled gay cement truck driver - well, then it's exasperating and beyond.  

Things were desperate.  It was crunch time; it was what Porno called "eat dog or die" time.  Whenever he said it though, trying to buck up - "Eat dog or die!", Cracky got all excited and started looking around all drooling and lip smacking and whatnot.  Porno didn't have much sympathy.  If Cracky really was hungry he could just reach down and snap off a leg bone and start gnawing on it.  His own leg bone, that is; not Porno's.

The Volare' had only a couple of gallons of gas in it.  Consequently it was not a mode of transportation.  Basically it never moved except when Porno and Cracky got badgered by the Butte cops into moving it - they had kind of a circuit involving parking near the Berkeley Pit, or the Bert Mooney airport, or on an approach across from the entrance to Montana Tech, or near Father Sheehan Park, or in the alley near the old Dumas Brothel.  The Dumas location had the added benefit of affording Porno a chance to do some unauthorized filming through the windows to procure material for future porno films.  He was not currently in possession of the necessary funds to make any of his usual high quality movies, however.  So some good footage involving the mayor, as well as a foul-mouthed one legged dentist, ended up just sitting in the can for the time being.

It got to the point where Porno was about to just give it up and see if he could hitchhike to Anaconda and get hired on with the night shift at the snoose recycling factory.  But then a funny thing happened.

Cracky came limping back to the Volare' one evening carrying a duffel bag with fifteen thousand dollars in it.

Porno was overjoyed at this upturn in their fortunes; however, he was a bit suspicious and so he went about trying to find out from Cracky exactly where this windfall duffel bag had come from.  Cracky didn't seem to be able to follow the line of reasoning involved in this question.

"Where did you get it?"
"Ummm . . . . okay."
Some time passes.  "Well?"
"The bag full of money, Dry Rot - where did it come from?"
"It's a bag of money.  And it's mine.  Or ours, I forget which."
"Whew.  Will you please stand downwind?  Damn it, did you find it? Did somebody give it to you? Did you take it from somebody? Did it fall off the Continental Divide, straight out of the arms of Our Lady of the Rockies?  Where!?"
"Yeah, that was it, I think."
"What was?  Which one?"
"Which what?  Which witch? Geez Porno I didn't take the money from no witch!"

This went on for some time.  Porno was used to this sort of thing except usually he didn't really need any information from Cracky so it wasn't really important that he didn't know cock from hen, buck from doe, Fat from Slat.   But this was different and Porno was about to crap out a little pile of pea sized rabbit pellets right on the driver's seat of the Volare', he was so frustrated.

"Went to Mountain View," Cracky said matter-of-factly, as if he had forgotten that they had been discussing anything at all.  "The Mystery Dog wasn't there today, he maybe got stuck in the mud down on the edge of the Pit again."

Mountain View Cemetery was one of three graveyards in Butte.  Cracky liked to hang out there; he would lay down on a grave and then attempt to start a conversation with whoever was buried in it.  This didn't work very often - not because the dead person interred there couldn't hear him (living corpses, talking to the dead, you know - that's how these things work).  It was because Cracky was such an inept conversationalist that nobody wanted to go to the work of having a talk with him.  Sometimes dead people wanted to know something about some living relative, or rival, or pet, or just about anything - Did Josie Anne go ahead and marry that goddam lowlife Pothole Pete, even though the closest he can come to honest work is hustling a pool game down at the De Luxe? - but even if you have the patience of a dead man, it's pretty tough to wait it out with Cracky, trying to get any actual information from him.  So most of the dead spirits just pretended they were sleeping when he came clumping along.

Porno perked up when Cracky volunteered this information.  "Did you find the money there?  Did you find it in the cemetery?  Think, Cracky, for Christ's sake!"

Cracky did in fact try to think.  Most of his brain had rotted away, and when a little bit of it grew back about the same amount on the other side turned to dust and fell off - so there wasn't much to work with at any given time; it just depended which part was currently "in service" when you wanted to get him to focus on something.

Suddenly he brightened up.  He snapped his fingers as if to indicate that he had just thought of something - when he snapped his fingers one of them snapped off, but this didn't matter much to either Cracky or Porno.  "Mystery dog!" he said with a semi-toothy grin.  He had grown back a couple of yellow teeth today.  "Mystery Dog at the Berkeley pit!"

There was a mangy, filthy, half-starved old cur that seemed to live in the briny muck that surrounded the Pit.  He was sighted once in awhile and even got written up in the paper as a human interest story once or twice.  Cracky was technically no longer human but he did have some interest, and he managed to seek out the mongrel and more or less become friends with it.  He gave it bones to chew on (don't ask), and eventually it would come out of the brush to see him when he went down by the scummy water's edge.  He also ran into the dog at the various cemeteries from time to time.  Porno thought the dog might just be a ghost - although that didn't explain his interest in the bones that he was offered.

Porno was excited and rapidly thumped his back foot on the ground several times - then cursed himself for it.  It hurt like hell and was undignified.  Stupid Walt Disney.

"What about the Mystery Dog?  Does he have something to do with the money?" Porno asked.

"His money!" Cracky shouted, then got a serious look on his face.  "If it's his money why do I have it?  Why do we have it, I mean."

"Did the dog find the money?"  Cracky didn't seem to quite understand what this meant.  Then he perked up.

"He gave me his money, that's it!  Mystery Dog gave me the Mystery Money!  Maybe he wanted me to use it for a mystery date . . . ." Cracky's voice was trailing off as his focus drifted a bit.

"The dog had the money?  Was he carrying the bag or something?"

"Yes, oh yes.  He was carrying it and he gave it to me.  He told me to spend it wisely.  Then he ran into the reeds by the water to take a Mystery Crap."  Sound effects followed.  Porno tried to redirect his attention and shut off his imagination.

The damned dog must have found the bag, Porno reasoned.  Then Cracky took it from him.  What would a bag with all this money in it be doing down by the Pit?  Or maybe he found it at the cemetery.  Or somewhere in between - hell, he could have gotten it anywhere.

Porno felt better.  Whatever the explanation, he was starting to see it as "finders keepers"; it was easier for him to make this kind of a moral judgement on the situation when he thought about how empty his belly was, how stinky the Volare' was, and how totally penniless he and his decomposing pal were.  This was quite a break.  He could probably finance a new porn flick starring the mayor now - call it something like "His Horny Honor Gets Dismally Dishonored" maybe.  He would have to think on it.  Once he got it made he could drop off a copy at City Hall and when the mayor's secretary gave it to him, Porno could just sit back and wait for the bribe money to roll in, in exchange for the original print of the film.

Porno took the bag of money and stashed it under the front seat.  Cracky was now in the back bouncing on the springs in the seat and using both hands to try and get his head unscrewed from his neckbone.  He had obviously forgotten the whole incident - maybe the part of his brain that was aware of it had just crumbled off onto the carpeting or something.

Porno glimpsed some strange writing on the side of the bag as he was sticking it under the seat.  "Chinese, maybe" he thought as he looked at the unfamiliar characters.  He didn't really know what it was, and he didn't really care.

It was too bad, really; if he had only known he would have probably had to rethink the whole situation.  If somehow he had been able to read those symbols, to interpret their ancient meanings, he might have taken that bag right back down to the edge of the Pit and tossed it into the greenish yellow slime.

The symbols were not written in Chinese, or Japanese, or any other modern language.  They were written in a forgotten language that had not been used by anybody anywhere in hundreds, more likely thousands, of years.  Porno had no possible way of knowing what the symbols meant.  But if somehow he had been able to magically read them, this is (more or less) what they would have said to him:

"Sacred Property of the Most Highest Rocky Mountain Celtic Druid Master Priest of the Butte of Montana  --  If Found Please Return, or else, Man oh Man, We Are Going to Have to Eat Your Dog and Rat Out Your Cat and Then You Die!"

Or something to that effect.  Nobody around Butte could actually translate that writing nowadays, not very accurately.

Except for maybe the Most Highest Master Butte Druid.  If he just happened to be in the neighborhood.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


As I was walking I was struck in the head by a rock the size of a tomato.  I am not a tall man.  But when I was falling it seemed like slow motion and the ground was an impossible distance from my face.  It seemed as if I didn’t really have a body.  Just the face was falling and the motion was like a camera affixed to an unmanned moon landing -- one which had a hidden monkey stowaway who had some reckless plans for zany lunar antics.

No sound but a “poof” of dusty gravel as my face smashed into the earth.  I had puffed out my cheeks hoping they would act like air bags in an automobile and cushion the blow. This was something I could do because there was so much time because my face was falling very far and very slowly because there was no body attached because a rock had struck me and knocked my face off.  The air bag idea was not effective.

At ground level my face looked up to see the rock which had struck me.  The rock turned a bit towards me (to “face” me I guess you’d say).  “I’m sorry,” said the rock.

So now I was just a face, a face that could converse with rocks.  I had not considered something like this when I had left the house a few minutes earlier, setting out to buy some potatoes.  But here I was, face to face with a rock.  And on his home turf to make it even more distressing.  I wondered if this should be considered Ground Zero since my face was on the ground and I had zero idea what was happening.

“I’m very sorry,” the rock said again.  Can a rock appear contrite?  “I didn’t want to strike you but I was under strict orders.”

This was a rock that was not prepared to take responsibility for its own actions.  Can a rock lose its backbone?

“Strict orders from the Tomato King,” Mister Rock went on.  “You are not to bring any potatoes onto this block.  He simply will not have it.”  Can a rock rebound and grow some stones, and sound indignant?

Since the rock was talking and I was listening I decided I could probably talk as well.  “Why no potatoes?” I asked the rock.

“Potatoes are bad,” came the reply.  “Potatoes have bugs.  They are a breeding ground of vermin and filth.  And they have a lot of negative energy.”  The rock shivered as if he were staging his own little private earthquake.  I got the impression he didn’t really believe what he was saying but was reciting it from memory.

“The Tomato King?”  I had just fixed on this phrase.  This sounded like something Paul McCartney would have come up with for one of the later Beatles albums; you know, after John got squelched by Yoko and didn’t have time to keep his songwriting partner in check.

“There is tremendous conflict between the tomatoes and the potatoes.  There is a war,”  said the rock, and I decided to dub him Sgt. Rock if the conversation was to continue down this path.

“Why am I talking to you?  You are a rock,” I observed.

“And you are a face,” the rock said with an air of simple and ridiculous logic, “Are there other things that a face might be doing right now?”

In the distance I could hear a song playing on a radio.  “Hey, radio!  Hey, song!” I yelled. “Why is this warmongering rock talking to me?”  I figured it was worth a try.

The radio paused.  “We will be right back after these messages,” it said.  My face drooped in disappointment.  For a second I had thought I had him.

“It’s time to face facts, Face,” said Sgt. Rock.  “Is it going to be tomato or potato?  Are you with us or against us?”

“Hmmm,” I said quietly.  “Let me see.  I am face to face with a dilemma here.  A very difficult question.”  I tried to rub my chin as if lost in thought.  For obvious reasons, this was a no-go.

“I am in need of reuniting with my body,” I said finally.  “If I swear my allegiance to the tomatoes, can they guarantee me that I will be safely reunited with the rest of my corporeal self?”  I suspected that I was still nearby since there was a long shadow falling from behind me and settling between my position and that of Sgt. Rock.

“Absolutely!” cried the rock, and he stood at attention; a bewildering and unsettling gesture when performed by a rock.  “And I am prepared to designate your corporeal self as a Corporal.  You shall be Corporal Self, under the command of the Most High and Supreme King of the Tomatoes!”

“Very well,” I said gravely.  “Make it so.”  I closed my eyes and prepared to wait.

The next thing I knew, my face was reconnected with my body.  I was standing on the sidewalk again.  At my feet the rock was sitting, with an expression of stony resolve.

“Ah!” I said.  I brushed off my hands on my pants leg.  “This is much better.”  I nodded to the rock and started down the street, in the same direction that I had been going before this whole cockamamie incident had erupted, completely uninvited and unannounced and, quite frankly, teetering on the borderline of annoyance.

“Wait!” called the rock.  His voice was growing dimmer as I moved briskly away.  “Where are you going?”

I stopped and turned to face him, one final time.  “I am going to buy a can of yams and a sledge hammer,” I said.

“You just wait right here.”   As I walked I had a powerful compulsion to whistle a tune.

Friday, August 13, 2010


You need not have a neighbor with knives for fingertips in order to believe that your luck has taken the expressway.  Some days are a wrought iron tub that simply will not hold its water.  It may be too busy dreaming of its languid cousin, the Eiffel Tower.  Or perhaps it has been used one too many times to quench the thirst of the bloodless innocents.   History is funny that way, and yet there is no "ha ha" in Halloween.  It is not widely known that Superstition only pretends to be based on numbers - She does so greedily, for selfish and secret good luck.

In my realm all the respect is given to the rock stars and the goat herders.   In order to flaunt his dexterity the black cat expertly ascends the flaming ladder then patiently waits amid the scorching tongues that lick him.  All of his hairs are on end - he waits among the forming ashes in order to drop his poo-poo and his caa-caa as I pass beneath.

I am oblivious to calendars.   The idea of signing off on the bewitching of a particular day seems ridiculous.  I know how to write, but have no name.

Is the mirror broken if I merely crack it - or is the misfortune somehow prorated?   A man fell asleep while singing at the table and when a bird flew in the window with a goldfish in its beak, the man grew a sty on his eye so big that it burst his skull.   Bone shards and seven years of misery were not far from his final thoughts.   His fork dropped and so a woman visited.   Once it begins there is no stopping it until you hear the dog's howl which of course means death.  And not just for the dog.

I have a rabbit and though he squeaks and kicks, at the first sign of trouble I will bite off his foot.  Smell dandelions, wet the bed.  Dear God in heaven, will this day never end?

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Little Jackie Potato
Stepped off the space bus and started to do some things
Built a cage from the fish sticks in the school cafeteria
Locked it full of nuns with surfboards in their eyes

New curriculum for the taco sharks
In a Friday night teardrop trailer full of sour mash
She drank powdered aspirin from a frozen glass
She ate ice cream with a paintbrush

She sliced up the sky with quiet gliding
giant graham crackers stuck to her hands
with marshmallow cream and monkey tears
Cartoon squirrels leapt from the swamp enraged

For her first act of sanguine mercy
She put new legs under FDR
smiled as he ran about the dusty halls
demanding a speedboat race

Yes she was wild in those days
Hollowed out bowling ball filled with peanut butter
She made a kayak from a grandfather clock
paddled it back to Pluto

Held her breath cupped to her armpits
That's breath with a t.h., Cupid
Tipping Ptolemy but forgetting everything
She never knew about love