Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hard to Harmonize With A Violent Nosebleed


Government officials are mostly changing into ancient folk singers with crew cuts, matching striped shirts and penny loafers.  The Letterman Party gains political prominence with a membership made up of patrons who are all a few jelly beans shy of a jarload.

This could be the first time in history that government has harmony but it's the wrong kind and all the social services are going straight to Hell.  Jackbooted midgets march and drill in the streets of Detroit and Beijing - they raise high their standard which depicts BUDDY EBSEN sitting on a park bench with AUDREY HEPBURN, eating birdseed and simultaneously shitting themselves.

We thought that the beatniks and profiteers were all dead and buried in the tomb of jack keroac but it turns out they were just hiding in abandoned boxcars and cooking rhesus monkeys over open barrel fires, waiting for their moment.  Now it has arrived.  Using lyric poetry and ramped up bug zappers they are forcibly gaining control of all religious zealots and also most of the hydroelectric dams.  anita bryant is exhumed and her corpse paraded in the streets, while music speakers blare her Christmas albums at an intolerable volume.  Things are intense on the home front, yes they are.

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